Abundant Health™ Blog

Essential Oil Tea

September 12, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Tea

This time of year, all kinds of illnesses are circulating, and everyone gets sick from time to time. Often, all a doctor can recommend for recovery is to rest and to nourish your body.

There are natural remedies you can try at home that will aid in the healing process. Natural solutions to sickness allow the body to reboot without harmful side effects. Essential oils have some fantastic health benefits. They fight infection and support the body functions that strengthen the immune system. A great way to incorporate essential oils into your self care is to create your own comforting and healthy teas.

Here are some great essential oils to consider adding to your tea:

  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Orange
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Lavender

Use a blend of 2 or 3 of these essential oils. The number of drops you use of each oil will depend on what flavors you like and what your body needs. If you are congested, peppermint and eucalyptus will help to clear the sinuses. Only 1–5 drops of each oil is needed. Start small, and add as you go until you’ve found the perfect amount. Not all essential oils are best taken internally, so be sure to do your research before adding them to your tea.

You can add essential oils to your favorite loose-leaf or bag teas, or let them stand on their own. Although water is the usual base liquid for tea, you may use any kind of milk as well. Milk can help coat a sore throat. Use almond or coconut milk if you’re lactose intolerant or are experiencing heavy congestion. Heat the liquid before adding the oils and other ingredients.

If you like, add a dash of cayenne pepper for an immunity boost, and sweeten with honey. Find a cozy place to relax and recover while sipping your hot and healing tea.


September 7, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Spotlight: Yarrow

Yarrow essential oil is steam-distilled from the flowering tops of the Achillea millfolium plant. It is prized for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, and styptic properties.

Historically, yarrow was used to by Germanic tribes to treat battle wounds. Folklore refers to yarrow as the treatment that the Greek hero of the Trojan War, Achilles, used to help cure the injury to his tendon. Yarrow is also regarded as sacred by the Chinese for its harmonies of Yin and Yang energies.

Other uses for yarrow essential oil include decongesting the prostate, balancing hormones, treating acne, digestion, bladder, and kidney weakness, diminishing cellulite, and treating colds, eczema, fevers, gout, headaches, kidney stones, infections, and rheumatism.

It can be used topically as well as aromatically. When diffused, yarrow has balancing properties that help aid meditation. It supports intuitive energies and helps clear confusion. It is also excellent in massage blends and used in a warm bath.

To learn more about yarrow essential oil and many other pure essential oils, see the Reference Guide for Essential Oilby Connie and Alan Higley.

Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, pp. 152–53.

September 5, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Cold Sores

Cold sores are caused by a virus called herpes simplex. The virus often manifests itself at times when the immune system is low.  The virus causes painful outbreaks of blisters and sores that can last for weeks at a time and are highly contagious. The outbreaks can be triggered by illness, overexposure to sun, and stress.

A cold sore looks like a blister, and over time, it breaks and oozes. It then develops into a yellow scab, with new raw skin underneath. Although generally not considered dangerous, cold sores are painful and can make you feel self conscious. They have also proven to be dangerous to infants, the elderly, or those with compromised immune systems.

Here are some natural ways to treat a cold sore outbreak from the comfort of your home:

1. Eat Healthy and Supplement

Eat foods high in vitamins and minerals. Some foods boost the immune system. Probiotics like apple cider vinegar, yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut will help your body fight off the virus. Eat fewer sweets! Sugar lowers the immune system and feeds the virus. Also avoid peanuts and chocolate during an outbreak.

Supplement with l-lysine, which has powerful antiviral properties.

Vitamin E soothes the skin and repairs damage, reduces inflammation, and has antioxidant properties.

Boost your white blood cell count with vitamin C, which helps defend your body against invaders.

Zinc is an essential trace mineral needed to maintain health, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.

2. Sunscreen

Direct sunlight or sunburns may trigger a cold sore outbreak. Using sunscreen or avoiding heavy sun exposure may decrease your probability of an outbreak. Apply sunscreen (or a sunscreen-containing lip balm) on the lips throughout the day.

Be careful when selecting sunscreen, opting for natural, organic sunscreen. Or make your own.

3. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is used to treat many skin conditions like sunburns, infections, injuries, burns, and cold sores. It contains antioxidant vitamins, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, and hormones that help with healing and preventing further infection. Apply it to cold sores often to ease the discomfort and speed the healing process.

4. Essential Oils

Many essential oils have antiviral constituents and healing properties, making them a great tool for healing cold sores.

Peppermint, tea tree, helichrysum, clove, lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, geranium, lemon, and rose are all great essential oils to use on the blisters that form during an outbreak of herpes simplex. Apply them topically to the affected area.

* Because bergamot and lemon are photosensitizing oils, use them at night and avoid direct exposure to sunlight if using them in the daytime.

5. Echinacea Tea

Echinacea is commonly used for people trying to get rid of a cold. It is a powerful immune system stimulator. Drinking echinacea tea is an easy way to boost your immune system. It may also reduce pain and inflammation caused by the virus.

6. Hygiene

Replace your toothbrush or any lip balm or gloss you have used just prior to or during an outbreak.

Avoid touching the sores as much as possible. A cold sore is highly contagious until it crusts over and heals. Wash any cloth that you use on it as a compress and always thoroughly wash your hands after treating the infected area.

See the Reference Guide for Essential Oils to learn more about how essential oils can be used to treat cold sores.

Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, pp. 489–90.


September 1, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Natural Bug Repellent

Bugs can ruin an otherwise lovely outdoor experience. But most store-bought repellents contain DEET and other harmful chemicals. If you want to keep your skin healthy, use the power of essential oils and their ability to deter insects. You can make your own spray-on repellent at home. It’s easy and quick!

There are many bug-repelling essential oils:

  • Citronella
  • Cedarwood
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavendar
  • Lemongrass
  • Tea tree
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Cypress
  • Rose
  • Geranium
  • Bergamot
  • Lemon

Try the following recipe at home to repel nasty bugs and avoid insect bites.

Homemade Insect Repellent

Time: 5 minutes | Difficulty: Easy


  • 2 Tbsp. (30 ml) witch hazel
  • 2 Tbsp. (30 ml) Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, or olive oil (or a combination)
  • 1 tsp. (5 ml) Vegetable Glycerin (as a preservative)
  • 55 drops eucalyptus essential oil (not recommended for use on children under 3 yrs.)
  • 15 drops cedarwood essential oil
  • 15 drops lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops rosemary essential oil


  1. Pour carrier oil into a small spray bottle.
  2. Add essential oils.
  3. Shake well before each use.

Reapply every few hours for maximum effectiveness.

August 24, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Spotlight: Helichrysum

Helichrysum essential oil is steam-distilled from the Helichrysum italicum flower of the Compositae family.

It has many helpful properties such as being antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant. Some primary uses of helichrysum are treating infections, bruises, cholesterol, eczema, herpes, and scarring, sun protection, and tissue repair.

Historically, it was used to treat asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, headaches, liver ailments, and skin issues.

Helichrysum supports the cardiovascular and bone systems. It may also be used to help with anger, circulatory functions, lymph drainage, respiratory conditions, scar tissue, and varicose veins.

The aroma is sweet and fruity with tea and honey undertones. When diffused, it has an uplifting effect, barring anger and promoting forgiveness and optimism.

It is considered safe for human consumption by the FDA and can be diluted in water, tea, or other beverages. Helichrysum can also be applied directly to areas of concern.

To learn more about helichrysum essential oil and many other pure essential oils, see the Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley.

Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, p. 90.

August 22, 2017
by Abundant Health™

5 Back-to-School Health Tips

Summer vacation is over, and kids are going back to school. The dreaded cold and flu season is coming with the change in weather. You want to keep your kids healthy, energized, and focused so that they can get the most out of their classes. Here are 5 tips that can help keep the kids healthy and stress free.

1. Set Bedtimes

Kids need more than 8 hours of sleep to stay focused and alert. Lack of sleep lowers the immune system and causes grumpiness and brain fog. To make it easier on the kids to switch to an earlier schedule, try changing bedtimes gradually by sending them to bed a little earlier each night before school starts. Stick to the routine to make getting up and ready in the morning a much more pleasant experience for everyone.

2. Healthy Food

Store-bought, pre-made foods are the quick and convenient way to make lunch for the kids, but these processed foods can lower the immune system and cause hyperactivity and fatigue. Stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Take some time in the week to pre-cut veggies and fruit and boil some eggs. Switch out that white bread for a quality whole-grain bread, and use a lean protein such as turkey or tuna for sandwiches.

3. Good Hygiene 

Classrooms are a breeding ground for germs. Teach your kids to wash their hands before eating snacks or lunch and after using the restroom. Also, urge them not to share food or drinks with other kids. Provide your children with these DIY Sanitizing Wipes to use in case they can’t always get to a sink.

4. Stress Management

Starting a new year of school with a new teacher and new curriculum can be stressful. Stress can lead to a variety of health issues, like insomnia and a compromised immune system. Talking to your children about their day and how they are feeling can help them manage their stress. Simplify. Do not overload your child’s schedule with activities. It’s important to make time to relax, play, and spend time as a family.

5. Essential Oils

Essential oils can help with all of the above. Many essential oils are antimicrobial and promote well-being and a healthy immune system.

Encourage restful sleep by diffusing these by the kids’ bedside:

  • Lavender
  • Vetiver
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Bergamot
  • Sandalwood
  • Marjoram
  • Cedarwood

Add essential oils to foods so that you can further enjoy their health benefits. Explore recipes that implement the use of essential oils. The following essential oils are commonly used in cooking:

  • Lime
  • Lemon
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Oregano
  • Clove
  • Orange
  • Thyme

Use these essential oils in cleaning and sanitizing to cut down on exposure to germs:

  • Thyme
  • Mountain Savory
  • Tea Tree
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Lemongrass
  • Peppermint
  • Oregano
  • Clove
  • Rose
  • Cedarwood
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Marjoram
  • Valerian

Essential oils that help alleviate anxiety and promote concentration and alertness can be diffused at home or sprinkled on a cloth that the kids can take with them to school.

  • Lavender
  • Clary Sage
  • Bergamot
  • Basil
  • Chamomile
  • Tangerine
  • Lemon
  • Jasmine
  • Vetiver
  • Cedarwood

August 17, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Gel Air Fresheners

School is starting up again, and kids everywhere are having to readjust their schedules and habits. A great way to clear the brain-cobwebs of summer is to make essential oil gel air fresheners and place them where your kids do homework.

These essential oils promote clear thinking, alertness, concentration, calm, and memory recall:

  • Lavender
  • Clary sage
  • Bergamot
  • Basil
  • Chamomile
  • Tangerine
  • Lemon
  • Jasmine
  • Vetiver
  • Cedarwood

No need to spray or diffuse oils. These essential oil gel air fresheners are simple to make!

  1. Stir together 1 tsp. polymer absorbent crystals, 1 cup (240 ml) water, and 10–15 drops essential oil.
  2. Stir, and add water if needed until there are no dry crystals left.
  3. Split evenly between 2 mason jars. The crystals will expand.
  4. When not in use, keep lid on to prevent evaporation. When ready to use, place lace or tulle over the opening, and screw on the ring.

*These cute air fresheners are best in small spaces. Over time as evaporation occurs, the aroma will become more faint; simply add more essential oil and 1–2 Tbsp. (15–30 ml) warm water.

August 15, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oils for Migraines

Many people suffer from frequent headaches, which can make it difficult to meet the demands of daily life. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to this problem. Headaches can be triggered by stress, fatigue, poor posture, allergies, toxins in the body or environment, constipation, hormones, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiencies, and alcohol or drug consumption.

Migraine headaches are a particularly severe type of headache. They are very painful and can be accompanied by throbbing in the head, sensitivity to light, nausea, and vomiting. Many people who suffer with this recurring condition find it necessary to adjust their schedules around episodes and often are put on medication to treat the problem. However, medications come with their own negative side effects, like liver and kidney damage, without treating the actual cause of the issue.

Some essential oils offer a variety of benefits that may help to relieve headaches and address the symptoms that lead to them. The following essential oils can be helpful in treating headaches by themselves, or you can make a blend of all 4 essential oils added to fractionated coconut oil and rub it into the temples, forehead, and back of neck.

1. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint has a long-lasting cooling effect on the skin, stimulates blood flow, and inhibits muscle contractions. Apply topically to the forehead and on the temples to relieve tension. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to fractionated coconut oil, and rub it into the shoulders, forehead, and back of neck to relax the muscles and improve blood flow.

2. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender induces relaxation and relieves stress. It is an effective sedative and calming agent and decreases anxiety. Some research suggests that lavender may aid neurological disorders. It relieves feelings of restlessness and disturbed sleep and regulates serotonin levels.

Diffuse lavender essential oil at home or in the office to reduce muscle tension, uplift your mood, relieve stress, and help you sleep. You can also apply lavender oil topically to the back of neck, temples, and wrists. Add 5–10 drops of lavender oil to a warm bath, and breathe deeply to relax the body and release tension that can lead to a headache.

3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil helps cleanse the body of toxins and harmful microorganisms, promotes emotional balance, and acts as a mood booster. It also opens the airways and eliminates pressure in the sinuses that could cause a bad headache. Eucalyptus essential oil has anti-inflammatory effects when used to treat respiratory issues.

Dilute a few drops of eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil, and apply it topically to the chest, back of the neck, temples, and forehead to alleviate sinus tension that could trigger a migraine.

4. Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary has stimulating, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. It improves circulation and has a calming and uplifting effect on the body. It also reduces stress, muscle tension, and emotional triggers that can cause headache attacks and aids indigestion and other stomach disorders that contribute to the development of headaches.

Add 1 drop of rosemary oil to tea, water, or  even soup when a migraine develops.

*When using these essential oils in sensitive areas like the nose and forehead, it’s best to dilute the oil in a carrier oil first. If you use these oils internally, only use 1–2 drops at a time, and don’t exceed a 4-week period without taking a week off from internal use.

See the Reference Guide for Essential Oils to learn more about how essential oils can help reduce headaches.

Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, pp. 486–87.

August 10, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Ultra Mini USB Diffuser

Wouldn’t it be great to diffuse on the go? What if your diffuser were more portable and easy to take along to work, school, or even on a drive? It can be with this handy Ultra Mini USB Diffuser.

Using this portable USB diffuser is a perfect way to bring the benefits of your favorite essential oils with you wherever you go. It plugs into any USB outlet, including in your car or on your computer.

It has a decorative design, ultrasonic technology, and power adaptability. The mini diffuser comes with a 48″ extension cord if you would rather operate the unit away from the computer. Depending on the setting, one fill can last up to 6 hours.


  • Small, portable size and shape.
  • Standard USB port connection or extension cord.
  • Silent operation.
  • Cold-mist ultrasonic diffusion.
  • 2 timer/output settings (continuous/10-second intervals).
  • Long-lasting output (up to 30 minutes continuously running or 6 hours at 10-second intervals).

Available Colors: aqua, green, and pink.

To read more about this great product and to order your own, click here.

August 8, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Unicorn Sugar Scrub

This whimsical scrub will leave your skin feeling soft and smelling delicious! Choose your favorite essential oils to enhance the scrub the way your skin needs it most. Make a larger batch to share with friends. Unicorn Sugar Scrub makes a great spa day gift!

Unicorn Sugar Scrub

Difficulty: Easy


    • Sugar
    • Food coloring


  1. Put 1 cup (200 g) of sugar each into 5–7 different bowls, depending on how many colors you would like.
  2. Add a few drops of food coloring into each bowl, mix, and repeat (if needed) until you get the color you want.
  3. Add several drops of essential oil to each bowl, and stir.
  4. Add enough sweet almond oil (about 1/4 cup or 60 ml) into each bowl to make your sugar clump together.
  5. Layer the sugar into your jars, packing it down as you go.

We did 5 colors as follows:

  • Red with cinnamon essential oil
  • Yellow with lemon essential oil
  • Green with lime essential oil
  • Blue with peppermint essential oil
  • Purple with lavender essential oil