Abundant Health™ Blog

March 7, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Spotlight: Tangerine

Tangerine essential oil is cold-pressed from the rind of the Citrus nobilis or Citrus reticulata var. tangerine plant.

It has anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, laxative, and sedative properties. It primarily affects the emotional balance, immune system, and skin.

Tangerine oil may help cellulite, circulation, constipation, fat digestion, insomnia, liver problems, parasites, stress, and water retention. It has a wide variety of applications to aid in health and well-being.

Used aromatically, tangerine is sedating and calming due to the esters and aldehydes that it contains. The aroma is fresh, sweet, and citrusy.

It is generally regarded as safe for human consumption. It can also be diffused or used topically.

See the Reference Guide For Essential Oils to learn more about tangerine oil and many other pure essential oils.

Source:  Reference Guide For Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, pp. 141–42.

March 2, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Calming Sugar Scrub

This sugar scrub uses a calming blend of rosemary essential oil and chamomile tea.

Calming Sugar Scrub

Servings: Yield=2 cups (480 ml) | Time: 5  minutes active | Difficulty: Easy



  1. Open the tea bags, and empty the leaves into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add sugar and rosemary essential oil.
  3. Mix well to incorporate all ingredients.
  4. Put in a 16 oz. PET jar, and pour the fractionated coconut oil over the mixture. The oil will seep into the mixture.
  5. To use, massage over skin, and rinse well with water.

Use this calming scrub in the bath or shower for a relaxing experience that also leaves your skin glowing. This is also a fantastic scrub to use for pedicures.

February 28, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Class Idea: Reference Guide Scavenger Hunt

Those who are new to using essential oils need guidance knowing how to use the samples that you give them. The Primary Usage Guide is the perfect companion to essential oil samples!

How Is This Booklet Useful?

The reference booklet is full of great information about essential oils. It explains their health and wellness benefits and lists the most common uses for specific oils. It also suggests the best essential oil blends and supplements to use for a large variety of health conditions. The booklet even serves as a calling card for you—there is a spot on the back to place your contact information.

Introduction to Essential Oils Class Idea

The goal of this class is to help your attendees learn about essential oils and show them how to find answers to their essential oil questions.

Start the class with a short lesson introducing and explaining the essential oils. You can use the “Introduction to Essential Oils” section found in the Primary Usage Guide. For even more information, you can also use the “Science and Application” section found in the Reference Guide for Essential Oils. Become familiar with the information in this section so that you can answer questions.

Conduct a scavenger hunt activity. Pass out a Primary Usage Guide to everyone in the class. (We recommend letting them take their booklet home with them as a free gift. Make sure to include your contact information on the back!)

Here’s how the scavenger hunt activity works:

  • You ask the class a question about an essential oil—how it is used, which oil can help certain symptoms, etc.
  • The class attendees try to find the answer in their booklets.
  • The first person to find the answer raises his or her hand and shares where the answer is found. (You can reward this person with a treat if you want!)
  • Everyone in the class turns to the correct page so they can review the answer themselves.
  • You repeat with a new question.

Doing a scavenger hunt activity is a fun way to give your students a reason to look through the Primary Usage Guide.  As they do, they will pick up some great information about essential oils and their uses and become familiar with how to find answers in the booklet. Doing this activity could increase the likelihood of your attendees trying and buying essential oils.

Open the class up for questions. Leave time to answer questions your attendees have. Try to keep the questions in this class focused more on the essential oils and their benefits. Refrain from marketing a particular brand of essential oils in this class. Your goal with this class is to help your attendees learn more about the essential oils and how to find information about which ones will help them with their health and wellness concerns.

February 23, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Study Buddy Diffuser Blend

Diffusing the right blend of essential oils can help you concentrate, retain information, and energize your mind. This Study Buddy blend can help clear your head and activate your intellect while you study. Not to mention that it has a nice, uplifting scent!

February 16, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Spotlight: Pink Pepper

Pink pepper, or Brazilian peppertree, essential oil is steam-distilled from the leaves of a tree in the Anacardiaceae family. Some of its properties include antibacterial, antifungal, and diuretic.

Historically, pink pepper was used as a medicine for an assortment of ailments by the indigenous people throughout the tropics. It is commonly used to treat bronchitis, gout, heart problems, inflammation, tuberculosis, venereal disease, warts, and wounds. It is primarily used as an antifungal.

Pink pepper oil supports the immune and respiratory systems and promotes healthy skin. It can be applied directly to the area of concern or diluted and taken orally.

Although this oil is generally considered safe for human consumption by the FDA, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

See Reference Guide For Essential Oils to learn more about pink pepper and many other pure essential oils.

Source:  Reference Guide For Essential Oils , 2017 Edition, p. 125.

February 14, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oils for Romance

This is the month for romance, so set the mood with the help of essential oils. There are many ways to use essential oils for a special evening with the one you love. Diffuse essential oils, or add them to massage lotion or your food (especially chocolate) to promote feelings of  love and harmony.

  • Rose enhances balance and harmony in the body.
  • Sandalwood lifts the spirits and opens the heart.

The following oils are known aphrodisiacs:

  • Clary sage
  • Clove
  • Ginger
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Cinnamon

Once you’ve set the stage, focus on your loved one. In order to truly commune on a deep romantic level, you need to relax and be in the moment. Experts on romance say that vulnerability, honest communication, and expressing gratitude and sincere affection for your partner will bring connection on a deeper level. Research supports that people in happy monogamous relationships live longer and enjoy better health. So snuggle up to your sweetie and enjoy the love—it’s good for you!

February 9, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Diffuser Blend for Romance

Diffusing the right essential oils is a great way to set the mood for romance. Here is a Calming Romance Blend to diffuse when you want to create a romantic atmosphere. Sandalwood is known as an aphrodisiac, and goldenrod is calming. Together these two oils create a lovely ambiance, perfect for a romantic night in.

February 7, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Essential Chocolate

Most people would agree that chocolate is an essential for Valentine’s Day. Creating your own chocolates for yourself or your sweetheart is fun and easy:

  1. Melt a bag of organic chocolate chips in the microwave or a double boiler. Add 1 tsp. (4 g) coconut oil, and stir in.
  2. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil(s) to give your chocolate a delicious and healthy kick.
  3. Spoon over your favorite nuts on wax paper, or pour into fun candy molds.
  4. Let cool until hardened. Then enjoy!

Here are some of the best essential oils to couple with chocolate:

  • Peppermint: There is nothing like that combination of rich, dark chocolate with the fresh crispness of peppermint. (Peppermint works best with dark chocolate.)
  • Orange: Orange and chocolate are, of course, a match made in heaven. Tangerine is equally delicious.
  • Lemon: A little lemony zing brings a bright and tangy flavor to chocolate.
  • Lime: This works well with both dark and white chocolate. Try making some white chocolate truffles with a little lime oil, and then dip the truffles in dark chocolate—it’s a great combo!
  • Bergamot: This oil is used to flavor earl grey tea and works equally well to flavor chocolate.
  • Lemongrass: Lemongrass adds an unexpected and pleasant zing. It’s strong, though, so don’t add too much.
  • Cardamom: This is a classic partner for chocolate.
  • Ginger: A little ginger oil with a dash of cinnamon powder makes for a delicious and unique chocolate.

Chocolates make a great gift any time of year. And chocolates made with essential oil have a special gourmet flavor with added health benefits!

February 3, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Diffusing Benefits

Therapeutic-grade essential oils affect the brain in positive ways. The brain is protected by a membrane called the blood-brain barrier, which separates it from  the blood circulating around the brain. This barrier blocks damaging substances from getting to the brain and into the cerebrospinal fluid. The American Medical Association did some research on whether or not positive agents could cross the barrier to help treat certain diseases and degenerative conditions that affect the brain. They discovered that sesquiterpenes, found in some essential oils, had the ability to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. These sesquiterpenes increased oxygen in the brain, which in turn increased antibodies, endorphins, and neurotransmitters.

The easiest way to to put oils in the air for inhalation is with an aromatic diffuser. Cold-air diffusers work best because they do not alter the chemical makeup of the oil.  The cold air breaks the oils up into an oxygenated microfine mist that improves the quality of the air. When diffused, essential oils reduce airborne bacteria, fungus, mold, and chemicals.

Depending on the mood you want to create or the health issue you want to address, there are endless essential oil blends to use with your diffuser.

Here are some tips for choosing which oils to diffuse:

  • Oils like lavender, geranium, and chamomile are helpful if you have trouble sleeping.
  • If you need an energy boost, try rosemary, juniper, nutmeg, balsam fir, lemongrass, and clove.
  • For clarity, diffuse basil, peppermint, ylang ylang, bergamot, and jasmine.
  • If you need a little harmony in your life, try lavender, sandalwood, orange, rosewood, lemon, and frankincense.
  • To give your immune system a boost, use hyssop, citrus, oregano, clove, cumin, and tansy.


Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, pp. 11, 27, 639–42.

February 1, 2017
by Abundant Health™

Alkalize Your Body

Over-acidity in the blood and body tissues can cause a variety of ailments and diseases. Viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and fungi grow in acidic environments. Diseases such as diabetes, cancer, AIDS, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic fatigue result when the pH balance in the body becomes too acidic.

There are a number of ways the body can become too acidic: an improper diet; kidney, liver, and adrenal disorders; emotional disturbances; fever; and an excess of niacin, vitamin C, and aspirin. Foods such as meat, dairy, whole wheat, coffee, tea, wine, beer, yeast products, and junk food will raise acidity in the blood.

The body heals when it is slightly alkaline. To alkalize the body, there are some factors to consider. Oxygen reduces the acidity of the blood. Essential oils contain oxygen and can be a great way to neutralize acid the body. Lemon oil is particularly good at counteracting acid levels. Adding essential oils such as lemon to the diet and avoiding acidic foods, as well as drinking plenty of water every day, will help restore your body to an alkaline state. This will prevent illness and disease from thriving and will invigorate the immune system.

Learn more about how to alkalize the body, read Alkalize or Die by Theodore A. Baroody.

Read more about acidosis in the Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, p. 365.