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Today, lemon essential oil is commonly used to help with air purification, anxiety, autism, brain injury, carpet stains, colds (common), concentration (poor), constipation, depression, disinfection, dysentery, fever, gout, grief/sorrow, hangover, heartburn, kidney stones, malaria, overeating, postpartum depression, stress, and water purification.
Lemon essential oil is also known to be helpful with aging, improving clarity of thought, digestive problems, hair cleaning, lymphatic system cleansing, memory improvement, nerves, respiratory problems, and eliminating sore throats.
Safety Data: Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after topical use. Can cause extreme skin irritation.
Ways to Use Lemon Essential Oil
- Lemon essential oil serves as an effective household cleaner, furniture polish, and solvent for removing grease and gum.
- Allergies are something nobody wants to deal with. If you are affected by seasonal allergies, combine 2 drops each of lemon, lavender, and peppermint with 1 tsp. (5ml) fractionated coconut oil. Apply the mixture to the temples, under the nose, and on the bottoms of the feet morning and evening.
- Diffuser blends are a great way to enjoy the aromatic benefits of lemon essential oil. Aromatically, lemon is said to promote health, healing, physical energy, and purification. It provides an invigorating, enhancing, and warming fragrance. Here are a few of our favorite blends for loving lemon!
5. Cooking with lemon essential oil is a great way to add wonderful flavor to your food plus added benefit for your health! You can substitute 1 drop of lemon oil for 1 tsp. lemon zest in most recipes. Here are a few of our favorite lemon recipes.
Honey Lemon Salmon Lemon Chicken Skewers Lavender Lemonade Strawberry Lemonade Lemon Crepes Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2018 Edition, pp. 88–89.