Abundant Health™ Blog

March 6, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Deodorizing Tabs

Nobody likes stinky trash or a smelly fridge. These deodorizing tabs are a super simple solution! Baking soda absorbs unpleasant odors, while the essential oils leave a refreshing smell in the odors’ place. Oils that we liked include lemon, orange, Protective Blend, eucalyptus, and peppermint, but you can try any oil that you like. These tabs are effective for 1–2 weeks a piece, and you just throw them away when they lose their smell. They’re easy and clean, and they leave everything smelling wonderful!

Deodorizing Tabs

Servings: Yield=24 tabs | Time: 5–10 minutes active; 24–48 hours inactive | Difficulty: Easy


  • 2 cups (400 g) baking soda
  • 6–8 Tbsp. (90–120 ml) water
  • Essential oil of choice


  1. Add essential oils to the baking soda until you reach your desired smell. We added 30–40 drops of orange oil.
  2. Slowly add in water while stirring until the mixture begins to feel like wet sand and holds its shape.
  3. Pack the mixture firmly into silicone molds, and let dry for at least 24 hours (more depending on size).
  4. Once completely dry, pop the tabs out of the molds and place in the fridge, garbage can, shoe cabinet, bathroom, or anywhere else you’re hoping to fight harsh odors.
  5. Store the unused tabs in an airtight container such as these PET jars until needed.

We tried using plastic ice cube trays, but the mixture doesn’t dry well in the solid plastic mold. If you want to use them anyway, try letting the tabs dry for 48 hours, popping them out onto a paper towel, and letting them dry another 24 hours there in order to solidify completely.

If they crumble, they may not have dried long enough, or you didn’t add enough water. No worries—sprinkle the crumbs into your trash bag to help with the stinky trash smell!

March 1, 2018
by Abundant Health™

EO Tips for Life: Boost Cleaning Power

Due to the antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties of many essential oils, adding them to your natural cleaning sprays will enhance the cleaning power and provide a little extra boost. Try adding several drops of lemon, sage, or grapefruit essential oil to a spray bottle of vinegar for a natural all-purpose cleaning spray.

All-Purpose Cleaning Spray with Vinegar

Servings: Yield=8 oz. (240 ml) | Time: 2 minutes | Difficulty: Easy


  • 15–20 drops disinfecting essential oil(s) such as lemon, sage, or grapefruit
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) white vinegar
  • 1/2 cup (120 ml) water
  • 8 oz. glass spray bottle


Drop essential oils into the glass bottle. Add vinegar, and then fill the rest of the bottle with water. Screw on the spray top, and shake to combine. Shake before using.

For more essential oil suggestions for cleaning and disinfecting, see Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley.

Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition.

February 27, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Spotlight: Black Pepper

Black pepper essential oil (Piper nigrum) is steam-distilled from the berries of the plant. This oil is known for its strong, spicy, musky, warm fragrance with herbaceous undertones.

Historically, black pepper was used for thousands of years for malaria, cholera, and several digestive problems. Pepper was used by the Egyptians in mummification, and Indian monks were known to eat black peppercorns to help maintain their incredible stamina and energy.

Black pepper essential oil is most commonly used for fainting. This oil may also increase cellular oxygenation, support digestive glands, stimulate the endocrine system, and increase energy. Other possible uses of this oil include addiction, chills, colds, constipation, coughs, diarrhea, flatulence, flu, nausea, poor circulation, sprains, vertigo, and vomiting.

This essential oil contains analgesic, anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, laxative, rubefacient, and stimulant health properties. Black pepper primarily affects the digestive and nervous systems of the body. The aroma of this oil is comforting and stimulating and is good for the crown chakra.

Safety Data: Black pepper is recognized as safe by the FDA for consumption, but is not for children under 6 years old, and should be used with caution and in greater dilution for children 6 years and older. This oil can cause extreme skin irritation when used topically if not diluted properly. Test on a small area of the skin before applying directly. If irritation does not occur, you can continue use.

Ways to Use Black Pepper Essential Oil:

  1. Roll-on blends are a great way to apply oils directly to your skin without making a mess. You can apply the blend to the area of concern or to the neck and wrists to allow the oil to quickly be absorbed into the bloodstream for maximum benefits. Simply place the desired oil blend in a 10 ml roll-on bottle, and fill to the top with your favorite carrier oil. Here are some easy roll-on blends for you to use!
    Aches & Pains
    2 drops black pepper
    2 drops Roman chamomile
    2 drops marjoram
    1 drop lavender
    3 drops black pepper
    3 drops lime
    3 drops orange
    3 drops frankincense
    Reaching Nirvana
    6 drops grapefruit
    2 drops peppermint
    1 drop black pepper
    Sore Muscles
    5 drops eucalyptus
    4 drops peppermint
    2 drops ginger
    1 drops black pepper
  2. Black pepper has some great aromatic properties, making it a great component in a diffuser blend! Because of how strong the oil is, you may not want to directly diffuse this oil alone. For that reason, we’ve created a fun diffuser blend for you to try out!
  3. Black pepper oil is great for cooking! The flavor tends to be very potent, so use it in small amounts. Start by dipping a toothpick in the oil, and add more until the desired taste is reached. Here are some of our favorite recipes we’ve made using black pepper essential oil!
  4. Create a massage oil to help increase your circulation by combining 6 drops black pepper, 3 drops marjoram, and 3 drops rosemary with 2 tsp. (10 ml) fractionated coconut oil. Lightly massage into the hands, arms, feet, and legs.
  5. Make some romance-boosting bath salts by combining 4 drops ylang ylang, 4 drops orange, 4 drops bergamot, 2 drops sandalwood, and 2 drops black pepper with 1 cup (250 g) epsom salt. Pour 1/2 cup (125 g) of the mixture under warm running bathwater.

Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, p. 124.
Aromatherapy Blends & Remedies by Franzesca Watson.

February 20, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Addiction & Essential Oils

Addictions of every kind are increasingly common in the world today, and many are struggling to overcome them. Addiction recovery is not an easy journey; however, adding essential oils into your routine can aid you on the path to recovery. Essential oils can’t cure addictions, but they can relieve emotional pain as well as dependence, stress, and withdrawal symptoms.

In the Reference Guide for Essential Oils, addiction is defined as “an obsession, compulsion, or extreme psychological dependence that interferes with an individual’s ability or desire to function normally.” When we hear the word addiction, we tend to immediately think of alcohol and drugs, but an addiction can be a dependency on any number of things. Many addictions are simply caused by an emotional instability that forces the body to fill it with something else. Other addictions are caused by heavily addictive substances entering the body. In both cases, essential oils can help a person refrain from addictive behaviors and may even help heal the brain and body.

Essential oils are not intended as a replacement for medical attention and other rehabilitation efforts. We encourage anyone struggling with addiction to seek out support groups, consult with a medical professional, participate in recovery programs, avoid triggers, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and distract him- or herself with other activities. Recovery is all about finding yourself, so it’s important that everyone gets the individual help that they need.

Essential oils can help one relax, which is extremely important, as stress is one of the most common triggers for addictive behavior. Oils can also help with mental clarity, lack of sleep, mood regulation, anxiety reduction, etc. Below are some oils that can be a great help on the path to addiction recovery.

Grapefruit is commonly used to help with withdrawal, depression, appetite suppression, mental stress, anorexia and bulimia, and drug addictions.

Black Pepper can be used to help with increased energy, addiction (especially to tobacco), appetite loss, and nausea.

Clove in commonly used to help with tobacco addictions (relieves desire to smoke), muscle aches and pains, metabolism balance, and nausea.

Lavender is used to relieve anxiety, increase alertness and mental clarity, treat insomnia and nausea, and relieve tension, stress, depression, and pain.

Lemon is used to increase concentration, relieve anxiety, depression, stress, and anemia, improve clarity of thought, energize, relax, and help with overeating.

Orange can be used for fear, obesity, anxiety, relaxation, and withdrawal symptoms. It is emotionally uplifting.

Peppermint is commonly used to calm breathing, increase concentration, relieve cramps, headaches, heartburn, nausea, fatigue, and muscle aches, energize, improve memory, and treat shock.

Roman Chamomile is used for anxiety, shock, soothing and clearing the mind, calming, cleansing the blood and liver, depression, insomnia, relieving stress, and promoting peace and patience.

Rosemary is used to help with alcohol addictions, muscle cramps, headaches, low blood pressure, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and stress.

These are only some of the oils that can aid you on your path to addiction recovery. To learn more about essential oils for addiction, consult the Reference Guide for Essential Oils. Remember that the journey to recovery is difficult and long, but not impossible! Addiction recovery is possible if you have a strong support system and goals in place. Now go take your life back!

Source: Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition.

February 15, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Essential Oil Spotlight: Patchouli

Patchouli essential oil (Pogostemon cablin) is steam-distilled from the leaves and flowers of the plant. This oil is recognized by its earthy, herbaceous, sweet-balsamic, and rich aroma. Patchouli primarily affects the skin.

Patchouli contains anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antitoxic, astringent, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, insecticidal, stimulant (digestive), and tonic health properties. Aromatically, it is sedating, calming, and relaxing, even reducing anxiety in some cases. Patchouli may also have an influence on sex and physical energy.

Anciently, patchouli was used by Asians to fight infection, cool fevers, tone the skin, and as an antidote for insect and snake bites. Today, common uses of patchouli include allergies (skin), bug repellent, dermatitis/eczema, hemorrhoids, insect repellent, jock itch, snake bites, and wrinkles. Other possible uses include acne, appetite, cellulite, congestion, dandruff, depression, hives, skin conditions (chapped; tightens loose skin), water retention, weight reduction, and wrinkles.

Safety Data: Patchouli has been approved by the FDA as safe for human consumption and can be used as a flavoring agent. It is safe to use during pregnancy and with children over 6 years old when diluted.

Ways to Use Patchouli Essential Oil:

  1. Bath salts are a great way to relax while absorbing the benefits of essential oil. Add 10 drops patchouli, 7 drops cypress, and 3 drops rose to 1 cup (250 g) epsom salt, and mix thoroughly. Add the salts to your bath by mixing under the running tap of warm water.
  2. Roll-on blends make applying oils so simple! Just add the oils, and fill the remainder of the bottle with your favorite carrier oil. Here are some blends using patchouli that you can try out! These blends should be mixed with 2 tsp. (10 ml) carrier oil and placed in a 10 ml roll-on bottle.
    Calm the Nerves
    5 drops patchouli
    4 drops rose
    2 drops neroli
    Emotional Balance
    5 drops patchouli
    4 drops orange
    2 drops geranium
    4 drops orange
    3 drops tangerine
    2 drops patchouli
    Sweet Dreams
    4 drops lavender
    3 drops neroli
    2 drops patchouli
    1 drop ylang ylang

  3. Patchouli is amazing in lotions, creams, and massage oils because of its powerful effects on the skin. Try some of these recipes to get you started.
    Calming Massage Oil
    3 drops patchouli
    2 drops orange
    1 drop frankincense
    2 tsp. (10 ml) jojoba oil
    Combine the essential oils with the jojoba oil, and lightly massage into your skin.
    Anti-Itch Foot Cream
    6 drops patchouli
    2 drops lavender
    2 drops tea tree
    1 oz. (25 ml) fractionated coconut oil
    Combine these ingredients in a 1 oz. plastic bottle, and rub onto feet whenever necessary.
  4. Patchouli has some great aromatic benefits, making it a diffuser essential! Its great ability to help us calm dawn and relax makes this diffuser blend complete. Simply diffuse this around bedtime to help you and the whole family get more of that beauty rest!
  5. Create a room spray to enhance your meditation by adding 6 drops lavender, 6 drops cedarwood, 4 drops frankincense, and 4 drops patchouli to 1 oz. (25 ml) water and 1 tsp. (5 ml) witch hazel. Place these ingredients in a 1 oz. spray bottle, and shake to combine. Spray around the room, and begin your meditation and relaxation routine.

Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2017 Edition, p. 123.
Organic Beauty with Essential Oil by Rebecca Park Totilo.
Aromatherapy Blends & Remedies by Franzesca Watson.

February 13, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Mini Heart Pies

Looking for a cute Valentine’s Day dessert? These mini heart pies are super simple—and adorable! We’ve also included some of our favorite pie filling recipes that use essential oils. You can enjoy these delicious pies any day of the year, not just on February 14.

Mini Heart Pies

Servings: 8–10 | Time: 15 minutes active; 20 minutes inactive | Difficulty: Easy


  • 1 refrigerated or homemade pie crust
  • Pie filling (recipes below)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tbsp. (15 ml) milk
  • White sugar
  • 3–4″ (7.5–10 cm) heart-shaped cookie cutter


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Using cookie cutter, cut the pie dough into several hearts. You should be able to make 8–10 pies (16–20 hearts total).
  3. Line a baking pan with parchment paper or a nonstick baking mat, and place half of the hearts on the pan.
  4. Whisk egg and milk together, and wet the edges of the hearts with this mixture.
  5. Place a small amount of filling in the center of each heart.
  6. Cut a small x in the center of each remaining heart, and place on top of the filled hearts.
  7. Using a fork, crimp the edges of the hearts together.
  8. Brush the sealed pies with the egg wash, and dust with white sugar.
  9. Bake the pies for 14–16 minutes, or until the crust is browned.
  10. Move pies to a cooling rack, and allow them to cool.
  11. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.

Strawberry Lemon Pie Filling

Servings: 8–10 | Time: 10–15 minutes active; 20 minutes inactive | Difficulty: Easy


  • 4 cups (600 g) fresh strawberries
  • 1 cup (200 g) white sugar
  • 3 Tbsp. (25 g) cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) water
  • 5–10 drops lemon essential oil (to taste)


  1. Cut the strawberries into small pieces, and crush 1/4 of them.
  2. In a pot over medium heat, cook the crushed strawberries, sugar, cornstarch, and water until the mixture thickens up. Chill for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.
  3. Combine the cooked mixture with the fresh strawberries and lemon oil. Fill your mini pies with this sweet-tangy mixture.

Apple Cinnamon Pie Filling

Servings: 8–10 | Time: 10–15 minutes active; 20 minutes inactive | Difficulty: Easy


  • 4–6 apples, cored and diced
  • 1/2 cup (100 g) brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup (100 g) white sugar
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) water
  • 3 Tbsp. (25 g) cornstarch
  • 1 drop cinnamon essential oil
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil


  1. Place sugar, water, cornstarch, and oils in a medium saucepan, and bring to a boil.
  2. Add apples, and simmer on medium heat until mixture thickens and apples soften.
  3. Chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before adding to pie crusts.

February 8, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Enhance the Romance Diffuser Blend

Many essential oils are known to help enhance a romantic mood. With Valentine’s Day approaching, we could all use a little more romance in our lives. This diffuser blend can act as an aphrodisiac and will undoubtedly help to relax and energize your body, not to mention enhance your romantic feelings and desires.

In need of a new diffuser? Click here to learn about some of the incredible diffusers we offer!

February 6, 2018
by Abundant Health™

EO Tips for Life: Make Fake Flowers Real

Do you have fake flowers that you wish smelled real? Well, they can—just add essential oils!

You’ll want to use floral-scented essential oils such as rose, geranium, lavender, ylang yang, or neroli. Add your chosen scent (or mix a few of the oils) to a small spray bottle. Add a little water (the more you add, the lighter the scent), shake, and then spray on your fake flowers. Feel free to recharge by spraying it some more whenever you want to breathe in a real floral scent!

To learn more about the aromatic influence of these floral essential oils, see the Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley.

February 2, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Whipped Body Butter

This whipped body butter is incredibly easy to make, and it feels great on your body! You can easily customize the aroma to fit your personality or suit your needs. This silky-smooth butter is guaranteed to soften your skin and leave you feeling refreshed.

Whipped Body Butter

Servings: Yield=12 oz. (375 ml) | Time: 10–15 minutes active; 2–3 hours inactive | Difficulty: Easy



  1. Place shea butter, coconut oil, and jojoba oil in a glass measuring cup or dish, and place in a pot of water. Over medium heat, melt the oils together, stirring with a whisk to combine.
  2. Once the mixture is completely melted, place in the refrigerator for a couple hours until completely cooled and solid. It should have gone from clear to white when cooled.
  3. Using a hand mixer, whip the butter until it is light and fluffy (like whipped cream).
  4. Add in your favorite essential oil(s) until you reach your desired aroma.
  5. Fill a 12 oz. PET jar with the body butter, and refrigerate for another hour before using.


  • You can add lavender oil for a relaxing sensation, or peppermint oil for an invigorating skin treatment.
  • If the butter begins to melt, you can whip it again and store it in the fridge.
  • You may also add a natural food coloring if desired.

January 25, 2018
by Abundant Health™

Beeswax Ice Candles

Looking for a fun new craft to help enhance your essential oil use? Try out these unique ice candles! Each candle comes out looking different, and you can easily customize the smell to your favorite essential oil aroma. These candles are super easy to make and fun to look at.

Beeswax Ice Candles

Servings: Yield=1 Candle | Time: 15–20 minutes active; 3–4 hours inactive | Difficulty: Easy


  • 8–16 oz. (225–450 g) Beeswax Pellets
  • Essential oil(s) of choice
  • 1 taper candle
  • Ice cubes
  • Empty milk carton


  1. Place beeswax pellets in a glass dish, and place over a pot of water on medium heat to melt down the wax.
  2. Once the wax is entirely melted, add essential oils until the desired aroma is reached. The amount of oil differs depending on the size of candle.
  3. Cut the taper candle to the height of the milk carton, placing the top down into the carton. Fill the carton around the taper candle with ice cubes.
  4. Slowly pour the melted wax evenly over the ice, constantly moving around to coat all the ice.
  5. Allow the wax to cool at room temperature for several hours, allowing the ice to melt entirely and the wax to solidify.
  6. Once the wax has cooled, peel away the carton, pour out the water, and shave the taper candle down until flush with the bottom of the candle.
  7. Allow the candle to sit for 24 hours before lighting.


  • Adding dye to the wax can add to the fun of the unique candles, but remember that the taper candle does not entirely melt, so you might have a different colored center.
  • Don’t be alarmed if pieces fall off the candle when you first unwrap it; this in completely normal.
  • The candle size depends on the amount of wax and size of milk carton you use. For the candles pictured, we used approximately 8 oz. (225 g) of wax and a pint-sized carton. For a full quart-sized carton, you will need 16 oz. (450 g) of beeswax, and 32 oz. (900 g) for a half-gallon carton.
  • Do not place the candles in the fridge to help solidify the candles faster. The warm wax slowly melts the ice away, and cooling them faster can slow the ice melting and may ruin the shape.