Oregano (Origanum compactum, CT Carvacrol) essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the herb. This essential oil contains antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiviral, antispasmodic, and immune-stimulant health properties. Oregano has a sharp, herbaceous aroma.

Oregano is commonly used to help in these ways: antibacterial, antifungal, calluses, candida, carpal tunnel, parasites (intestinal), pneumonia, sore throat, staph/MRSA, strep throat, viral infection, warming oils, warts, and whooping cough.
Other possible uses of the oil include asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, colds, digestive problems, metabolism balance, and strengthening of vital centers.
Oregano primarily affects the following body systems: immune, respiratory, muscular, and skeletal.
Safety Data: Oregano can cause extreme skin irritation, so be careful when applying topically. Dilute this oil 1:3 (1 drop essential oil to 3 drops carrier oil) when applying topically for adults, and dilute more heavily when applying to children. This oil is recognized as safe for human consumption, but should be taken in small doses. Dilute heavily when taking in capsules. This oil is not recommended for children under 6 years old.
Ways to Use Oregano Essential Oil
- Cooking with oregano essential oil can add a wonderful flavor to your food in such a simple way. Since oregano has a pungent flavor, start by dipping a toothpick in the oil and using it to stir through your food. Add more strength, as desired. Here are some of our favorite recipes with oregano!
White Chicken Chili Rosemary Chicken Skewers Hearty Crock Pot Beef Stew Italian Dipping Oil with Essential Oils Italian Chicken & Potatoes Basil Orange Salmon Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Roll-ups Homemade Pizza with Essential Oils Essential Oil Veggie Dip
2. Diffuser blends are a great way to absorb the benefits of oregano essential oil. The aroma strengthens feelings of security. Here are a few diffuser blends to try.
Immune Boost 3 drops Thieves 2 drops lemon 2 drops oregano |
Positive Energy 4 drops lime 2 drops juniper berry 1 drop oregano |
No More Congestion 2 drops oregano 2 drops lemon 2 drops tea tree 2 drops peppermint |
Herbal Bliss 1 drop oregano 1 drop basil 1 drop marjoram 1 drop thyme |
3. Calluses can be unwanted and uncomfortable. Combine 5 drops oregano with 1 Tbsp. (15 ml) jojoba oil. Apply a small amount to your calluses every day.
4. If you are sick with mononucleosis, combine 1 drop each of oregano, Thieves, and thyme. Rub the mixture onto your feet 2 times a day.
5. During cold and flu season, you can never be too self protective! For an extra immune boost, put 10 drops each of lemon, frankincense, oregano, and Thieves in a 10 ml roll-on bottle. Fill the remainder with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to your throat, chest, and feet.
Reference Guide for Essential Oils, 2018 Edition, pp. 108–109.